Superintendent's Message
Hello, my name is Randy Shipman and I am honored to be the Superintendent of the Dillon Elementary School District.
This is my sixth year as superintendent after spending fourteen years as the principal of Dillon Middle School. I am so grateful and proud to be part of School District #10 and look forward to my new role.
I am originally from Clovis, California and received my B.A. in Criminal Justice Administration from Sonoma State University in 1987. I then moved to the great state of Montana in 1988 and graduated from the University of Montana with my secondary education degree in history and sociology in 1992. I subsequently received my master’s degree in Educational Leadership, K-12 in 2003 from the University of Montana. Finally, I was awarded my superintendent’s endorsement from Montana State University in 2016.
I began my educational career as a teacher’s aide and special education aide for three years in Missoula before teaching high school history in Oregon for two years and middle school history in Whitefish for ten years. During these years I also coached football at the high school level, basketball at the middle school level and high school baseball in Oregon, and Legion baseball in Montana, Idaho and Canada. I then embarked on an administrative career in Dillon.
When not at school, I enjoy spending time with my wife and three children, scouting baseball talent or taking in one of the many outdoor activities offered right out our back door in Big Sky Country. I enjoy learning about history, fishing, camping, hunting, mining, and digging for old bottles, as well as watching my children grow and learn.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the administration and our staff I welcome you to our website and hope it is helpful and you enjoy it. I am committed to serving all of our students, K-8, and look forward to working with the patrons of our district for the health and success of all of our students.
Please feel free to come by the district office and visit with me. I look forward to meeting you and talking about the great things going on in our district.
Sincerely, Randy Shipman
683-4311, option 3, ext. 240

Randy Shipman