Board Of Trustees
The Role of the Board of Trustees
The purpose of the Dillon Board of Trustees is to provide a program of education for the students in the Dillon community. As such, the Board represents the community in:
Establishing a sound philosophy for all educational programs and activities;
Adopting policies for operation of the school program;
Providing leadership for educational progress through logical goals and objectives;
Installing adequate methods of evaluation of existing programs; and
Developing sound financial plans consistent with school needs and community resources.
The Function of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is charged with the responsibility of establishing the philosophy and setting policies for governing one of the largest organizations in Dillon. Managing an annual operating budget of approximately $4.5 million for the maximum benefit of 700 students dictates that the Board function in an efficient, professional manner.
The Board is a policy-making body and functions as a body ONLY in official meetings. Policies are executed by an administrative staff under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, the Chief Executive Officer of the District. The proper channels for dealing with issues shall be followed: individual, principal, superintendent, and board level.
Dillon Elementary Schools Board of Trustees
Todd Rouse (Chair) Email
Marti Laknar (Vice Chair) Email
Sarah Hartman Email
Sharon Anderson Email
Andrew Zitzer Email
Clarissa Sandall Email
Philip Thompson Email
Randy Shipman- District #10 Superintendent
Kasey Swisher- District #10 Clerk
Greg Fitzgerald- Parkview Elementary Principal (K-5)
Joel Rogers- Dillon Middle School Principal (6-8)
Meetings of the Board of Trustees
Regular Monthly Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the School District Office located at 22 N. Cottom Drive. (Please check the Agenda for changes.)
Special Meetings are called through regularly adopted procedures with the purpose restricted to those items listed in the notice of the meeting.
Executive Sessions are the only type of Board meetings not open to the public. These sessions are held in compliance with Section 2-3-203 (MCA).
Work Sessions are held to review and discuss information of interest to the Board. No action is taken by the Board.
Committee Meetings are used to develop concepts or consider background information as well as to study potential programs for the school system. No action is taken by the Board.
Requesting District Information
Within the limits of an individual’s right of privacy, full access to information concerning the administration and operations of the District shall be afforded to the public. Public access to District records shall be afforded according to appropriate administrative procedures. (Policy 4340)
Getting an Item Placed on the Agenda
It is the practice of the District to resolve problems through the appropriate channels (individual level, building level, district level) in an effort to have it solved prior to being brought before the Board as an agenda item. To request that an item be placed on the agenda, the Superintendent shall be notified in writing no later than the Monday morning of the week preceding the Tuesday meeting date. The request to be on the agenda shall include the topic and details of the issue to be considered.
Speaking to an item on the Agenda
If you are prepared to address an agenda item, please sign in at the door prior to the meeting. This allows the Chair to recognize you at the appropriate time and to guarantee you the opportunity to be heard. This request is a procedural propriety and is not intended to prevent additional participation and timely expression of views. The Chair shall have continuing discretion as to the time allocated to each speaker depending on the number of persons who wish to speak to an agenda item.
Public Comment
HB94, made effective April 22, 2003, allows the public to comment on non-agenda items. This is an opportunity to share ideas or concerns with the Board. Depending upon the number of people who desire to address the Board during this time, the Board Chair has the discretion to limit the time of each person addressing the Board. By law, the Board cannot act on any non-agenda item. Furthermore, this is not an opportunity to present questions to the Board but rather to express ideas/concerns.
All guests at a Board meeting are requested to follow the procedure listed below prior to addressing the Board during the “public comment” section of the meeting:
Problems or questions of a general nature should first be taken directly to the appropriate principal involved.
Problems or questions that involve students in a particular classroom should first be brought to the attention of the classroom teacher. If a satisfactory solution cannot be found with the teacher, the next step in the solution of the problem is consultation with the school principal.
Unresolved concerns should be referred to the central office to receive a complaint form. Upon completion of the form, the matter may be reviewed by the Superintendent.
After review by the Superintendent, if the concern remains unresolved, the matter may be referred to the Board.
Courtesy Requested
The Board asks guests to observe the rules of courtesy and respect for the rights of others. No issues that would violate the privacy rights of others may be addressed, (i.e., specific incidents, names or positions.)